About Me

Hi, I’m Cindy! I’m a fresh college grad with a passion for documenting my adventures, whether it’s a global trip or a visit to my local coffee shop.

I was born and raised in Austin, Texas, so by the time I got to college, I was ready to get out and see the world! The most eye-opening experience for me was interning abroad in Singapore the summer after my freshman year of college. Some of the best memories I have are from my solo adventures walking around the city and observing the cultural differences from my suburban Texas life. This trip really motivated me to find opportunities for myself to travel and keep exploring!

As I strive to document how I balance traveling with my transition into life as a full-time corporate employee, I hope CX travels inspires you to go out and explore all this world has to offer. CX travels stems from Cindy + the first character in my Chinese name, Xin (pronounced sh-ee-n). Xin not only means “new” in Mandarin but also “happy”! So I’d love for you to follow along for stories, travel tips, and photo guides as we go on these xin travels together!


